Where did April go?

Goodness me. What an unbelievable start I’ve had to my lovley Reformer Room in Lewes. I seemed to open the door and ….whomph! It hasn’t stopped. I am so pleased.

I’ve realised that although I love Pilates and am passionate about wanting to take it to the world, it’s actually all the people that make me enjoy Pilates so much. Every person, class and experience is just so different. From my Thursday evening triple from 5.15pm - 9pm - with all nine participants becoming noticeably stronger and more supple by the week, to my wonderful indviduals who come and see me either for matwork or reformer or sometimes both in one session.

I’ve discovered my springs are super strong!

The new reformers are so squeaky (well more occasional twang) new they pull a massive punch for anyone looking to really find some serious resistance. Many clients who’ve used other studios further afield have commented on the difference. Where a red and blue spring is the norm for many when working their midback/arms, in The Reformer Room, if you’re up to a red spring your’re officially pretty strong! And we don’t have any blues anyway.


A useful message to young men!


Pilates relief!