Drop-in to ‘The Skeleton Club’ with no commitment
Need flexibility?
If commitment is an issue you can book into a Skeleton Club single class in an instant. You can book between 30 days and 6 hours before the class time.
Mon 6.15pm, Tues 1.30pm , Thurs 5.30pm, Fri 12.15pm. -
You can use credit for any for ANY 'SC' class
‘Skeleton Club’ classes are available as single bookings for £25. But you can save money by buying either 6 or 10 in advance. You can use these credits for any of the weekly Skeleton Club classes.
Before you book
There’s no need to worry about whether the class is suitable for you. All Skeleton Club classes are designed for mixed levels. But you’ll need to have been on a Reformer before so if it’s totally new just book a Taster session or a 1:1 or 1:2 to familiarise yourself and get advice about which class would be best to start with.